Saturday, November 19, 2011

Чуток Москвы. A bit of Moscow

Храм Христа Спасителя
The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Где-то в районе Сретенки
Somewhere around Sretenka street

На Чистых прудах
At the Clean Ponds

В зоомагазине
In a pet shop

Московский зоопарк
Moscow zoo

Здание недалеко от Посольства Финляндии
A building not far from the Finnish Embassy

У Красной площади
At Red Square

Собор Василия Блаженного
Saint Basil's Cathedral

З.Ы. Это 101-ый пост в Логове Лесного Писателя :). Спасибо, что вы со мной, дорогие читатели! Может, мне стоит звать вас теперь логовичанами? ^^
P.S. This is Forest Lair's 101st post ^.^ Thanks for being with me, dear readers! Maybe I should call you lairians from now on? ^^


  1. Night view is so special with the reflection on the water.
    Are they guardsmen at the Red Square? It looks like they are just coming out from fairy tale.
    What they are carrying is a real one?
    Enjyou your stay in Moscow!

  2. Thank you, but I'm still in Finland. I just like to go through my photo archives from time to time to post old photos :) Sorry for the confusion.

    I don't think those are real guardians but they do look authentic to me. Maybe they are there so you can take picture with them? I saw them only once. They're standing near a souvenir shop, maybe they are attracting visitors? So probably their weapon is fake.

    Real Russian security guys would actually look really gloomy and serious ^_^

  3. A building not far from the Finnish Embassy is interesting as it has many roofs.
    About hug, I can imagine your aunts hug you strongly.By the way, there was an advertisement of free kisses by Beneton. I watched it as about same time as you put a post of free hugs. The keystone of hugs and kisses is the same,I wonder.

  4. Eh, I wouldn't kiss strangers though ^^ Unless it's a kitten, than maybe I'll consider kissing it :-D


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